Gmail Signature

Penn Fleet Logo 2022 3 copy

Your Name
Title, PennFleet Corp

610.940.1507 x000 | |
591 Meetinghouse Road Boothwyn, PA 19061
image002 image003image004

image006 Our Services

Penn Fleet Logo 2022 3 copy
Your Name
Title, PennFleet Corp
610.940.1507 x000 | |
591 Meetinghouse Road Boothwyn, PA 19061
image002 image003image004
image006 Our Services

Add or change a signature instructions:

  1. Highlight and COPY (CNTRL C) the above image and sample signature.
  2. Open Gmail.
  3. In the top right, click Settings Settings and then Settings.
  4. In the “Signature” section, PASTE (CNTRL V) copied signature into the box.
  5. Edit “Your Name”, “Your Title” and “x ###” as necessary.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

    Note: The widest image size for cell phones is 600 pixels.

    For additional information visit the Gmail Help Page.